Define Kasasına Elimi Sokuca Dünyam Değişti !!!









Vintage photos are mostly monochrome, with very few color prints.

In the case of color, it will be faded after 30 years. Therefore,

I made organic pigments as color formers. Moreover, the dot type will be the world's first.


US10322827B2 - High frequency gravitational wave generator -

Obtained a higher resolution image than the UAP image announced by
the US Department of Defense. If you analyze it a little more,
you can expect new information.

by the way・・
When the camera was still in the analog era
Kodachrome film came out w
I knew there was ...
There was no film scanner. To be exact,
There was no equipment that could color scan Kodachrome ww
Recently ... At Amazon, a low-priced film scanner costs about 10,000 yen ... ww
Even thougAre there aliens malicious and bystanders?
At least there are no good ones?
h it is a low-priced version, is it the same as the equipment for about 300,000 yen?
Kodachrome is also properly color-corrected.

In that Kodachrome, #UAP and #UFO
But found ww
When I shot it, I only thought about the moon in the daytime ...
However, the color development is random ... Epson scan, when enlarged ...
UFO is clear ... ww
When I search on the net again ... I can't find the same type of UFO at all ww
Are there aliens malicious and bystanders?
At least there are no good ones?
2023/04/23(日) 20:33 UNARRANGEMENT PERMALINK COM(0)
日本中を震撼させた大事件。UFOを呼ぶ禁断の儀式の実態がやばすぎる…【 都市伝説 UFO 昭和 CBA 禁断 】









Even with UAP, sharp images will not come out w You are cheated by infrared shadow puppets w

UAP's powerful weapon is the force field from objects. Even if a submarine collides, it will not break.

US10322827B2 - High frequency gravitational wave generator -

Obtained a higher resolution image than the UAP image announced by
the US Department of Defense. If you analyze it a little more,
you can expect new information.

by the way・・
When the camera was still in the analog era
Kodachrome film came out w
I knew there was ...
There was no film scanner. To be exact,
There was no equipment that could color scan Kodachrome ww
Recently ... At Amazon, a low-priced film scanner costs about 10,000 yen ... ww
Even though it is a low-priced version, is it the same as the equipment for about 300,000 yen?
Kodachrome is also properly color-corrected.

In that Kodachrome, #UAP and #UFO
But found ww
When I shot it, I only thought about the moon in the daytime ...
However, the color development is random ... Epson scan, when enlarged ...
UFO is clear ... ww
When I search on the net again ... I can't find the same type of UFO at all ww

UFOs and UAPs have been witnessed and filmed all over the world,

Unfortunately, most of them were shot with a toy camera,
It only captures
the light around UFO_UAP.
That's probably because most of them were shot
at night.
So, if you can take a clear image, its value is
From $ 100,000 to $ 1 million.

Are there aliens malicious and bystanders?
At least there are no good ones?

2023/04/23(日) 19:14 UNARRANGEMENT PERMALINK COM(0)